Unlock New Dimensions in your

Coaching Practice

Our advanced coach training is designed to empower seasoned coaches with the tools and insights of the Breakthrough Conversations approach. You will not only deepen your understanding, but importantly, have a personal experience of the power of the approach to evoke impactful coaching moments.

Coaching Training

The key learning approaches in our Breakthrough Conversations training include:

  • Personal experience: We invite you to witness the power of this approach first-hand by having one or more individual sessions with a coach qualified in Breakthrough Conversations.  Experiencing how the approach evokes profound personal shifts provides the confidence and impetus to apply the approach with your own clients.
  • Faculty-led sessions: Workshops include brief inputs on the key concepts underpinning the Breakthrough Conversations approach, including the neuroscience of embodied, emotional awareness, working with primary and secondary emotions, identifying core needs, and working with defiant, compliant, and authentic leadership.
  • Live and video demonstrations: Observing the approach in action provides an invaluable window into the techniques and the immediacy of their impact.
  • Skills practice in relation to real challenges: The most important part of our trainings is for participants to practice applying the skills, and to receive skilled feedback on the different choices we can make at key moments in a coaching conversation. 

No one can learn this approach in a half-day session. Like any sophisticated technique, it takes practice to master. So, if you want to embed this approach, we encourage you to undertake the 4-day training, and/or to participate in an ongoing series of supervision sessions, so there is sufficient opportunity to experiment and review.

The Breakthrough Conversations

In the 3-hour, online, taster workshop, you will learn about the core elements of the approach and begin to apply them in relation to yourself.  The taster workshop is intended as an opportunity to decide if you wish to commit to further training and/or supervision.

In this Taster session you will:

  • Understand and use the four purposes of conversations.
  • Distinguish enabling and limiting conversational behaviours.
  • Gain an embodied understanding of your own reactive and reflective body-brain states.
  • Observe how your body-brain states impact on your relational behaviour.
  • Learn how to foster your own resourceful states.
  • Examine your personal patterns in relation to a specific personal or coaching relationship.
Weds 13 Nov, 2024
BookingLink to Eventbrite

Please complete the form if you would like to book or to learn more about attending a taster workshop.

The Breakthrough Conversations

The full training programme consists of 4 days of training augmented by two individual coaching sessions (with an option for two further personal sessions).  Participants are also encouraged to undertake daily reflective practices throughout the programme, and to integrate the techniques into their coaching work between sessions. 

The training has several distinctive aspects:

  • Deepening Self-Awareness and Presence: We believe that effectiveness in both professional roles and personal life stems from developing self-awareness and a profound sense of presence.
  • Understanding the Neuroscience of Emotional States: We provide a foundational understanding of the neuroscience of emotions to recognise how to develop the mental states that support skilful communication. 
  • Practical Tools for State Management: Accessible tools are offered to support coaches and managers in observing and managing their emotional states during conversations.
  • Releasing Emotional Blocks: We address emotional blocks by providing effective strategies to work with and dissolve these barriers to change.
  • Enduring Shifts in Relational Skilfulness: Our training ensures learning that leads to a profound and enduring shift in relational skills.
  • Achieving More by Doing Less: A paradoxical discovery is that faster change is achieved by doing less when we to stay close to what is emerging as clients explore their relational challenges.

In this programme you will learn:

  • To deepen your own self-awareness and presence as a coach through skilled body-brain awareness.
  • To support clients to deepen their awareness and presence.
  • To hone a precise focus for sessions that harnesses the motivation and optimal development state for change.
  • To enable clients to examine, tolerate, soften, and dissolve their emotional blocks.
  • To resource clients to have the courage to experiment with new relational skills.
  • To work deeply with clients, whist respecting the boundaries of the coaching relationship.
  • To use personal presence and steadiness to foster more rapid change by doing less.
  • To translate insights into real-time, measurable, practical shifts in behaviour.
LocationCentral London
Includes4 days of training as two modules of 2 days
2 x 90 min online, 1-1 sessions
Cost£1,200.00 for 4 days in-person
We also recommend: two, 90 min 1-1 personal, coaching sessions: £600
DatesThe October course is full. Plesae contact us about courses in 2025.

Please complete the form if you would like to book or learn more about this training programme.

Individual Modules and

We also offer coaches the opportunity to attend individual modules from the full coach training, and the training is also available as a tailored in-house training for coaching organisations. Please contact us to discuss these options.

Coaching and Supervision

A great way to understand the Breakthrough Conversations methodology is to experience it first-hand. Whether you’re eager to explore your own personal development challenges or seek supervision on applying the methodology to one of your client issues, this experience is a cornerstone in witnessing the profound impact of the Breakthrough Conversations approach. 

The session will be tailored to your specific learning focus, but is likely to include some of the following elements:

  • Honing the Coaching Contract: Crafting a precise coaching contract tailored to a relational challenge, ensuring a focused and impactful session.
  • Exploring Embodied Emotions: Experience the skilful choreography of attention to support the examination of embodied emotions.
  • Identifying Core Relational Needs: Reduce reactivity by recognising core relational needs, thereby giving space for self-compassion and more skilful communication.
  • Shifting Body-Brain State: Witness techniques to bring about a conscious and purposeful shift in one’s emotional state.
  • Translation to Practical Behavioural Plans: Transform embodied insights into actionable steps, ensuring tangible progress in addressing the identified challenge.

In a one-to-one session you will experience:

  • The power of precision contracting, so that a development issue is anchored in a specific, relational, coaching moment.
  • The insights gained from being choreographed to examine and dwell with embodied emotions.
  • The difference between reactive and reflective embodied states, and the impact of these on behavioural choices.
  • The profound shift that can be evoked by being invited to notice and inhabit resourceful states.
  • How insights gained from the exploration can be translated into practical behavioural steps.
LocationOnline or In Person
IncludesOne-to-one session lasting 90 minutes
Cost£300 per session
DatesPlease contact us to arrange a session

Please complete the form if you would like to book for a 1‑1 coaching or supervision session or to learn more.

A Breakthrough Conversations supervision group is an opportunity for coaching colleagues to learn together as we work with the specific client challenges brought by participants. Sessions are 90 minutes, with four group members, in addition to the supervisor.  

A group provides an opportunity for experienced coaches to augment their existing practice with some of the key techniques in Breakthrough Conversations.

These include:

  • Creating a Precise Session Contract: By shaping a relational moment that has emotional significance for a client, we create the foundation for a deeper exploration of the hindrances and drivers for change.
  • Shifting Focus to Embodied Emotions: We illustrate the transformative power of inviting clients to pause their habitual thinking bias, to bring awareness into the body, and to observe what happens as they are supported to dwell with these experiences.
  • Unpacking Habitual Patterns: Automatic behavioural tendencies are unpacked through the lenses of personality, attachment, culture, and core needs, so as to bring them into view, and to open up the possibility for more choice. 
  • Making the Link to Break the Link: The anchoring of a coaching session in a precise, present-day contract enables an exploration of the client’s history without being pulled into a psychotherapeutic inquiry. We support the client to make a link to the past, so they can break the link to their current challenge.
  • Fostering Resourceful States: A central focus of Breakthrough Conversations is to evoke and amplify the clients’ embodied sense of resourcefulness, and to observe and sustain this quality as they attend to a key challenge. 
  • Realising Change through Enactments: Change is most powerfully realised through behavioural enactments that implicitly restructure the clients’ habitual or reactive tendencies so that they are more relationally skilful.

In a supervision group you can expect:

  • To work with one of your own client cases, or observe and participate in working with a case brought by another group member.
  • To focus on a specific aspect of the Breakthrough Conversations methodology, based on the emerging needs and curiosity of the group.
  • To practice the core techniques for enabling clients to observe and manage their emotional states.
  • To have the option of taking the role of the coach, whist another group member role-plays their client, and to receive supervision on the specific choices we would make from a Breakthrough Conversations perspective.
  • To practice balancing person-centred listening, with a more active, skilful choreography of the clients’ attention to deepen awareness and to dissolve emotional blocks.
  • To shape powerful behavioural enactments for clients to embed change.
Includes90 minute open group session for 4 participants
Cost£150 per session
DatesOne session a month in June, July and August 2024. You can join 1, 2, or 3 sessions. Please contact us about the specific dates and times.

Please complete the form if you would like to find about the availability of a space in an existing supervision group, or to find out more about starting a new group.