We can enhance our self-awareness and presence, whether a manager or a coach, if we engage in practices that help us to pause and to observe our own mental and emotional states.

Mindfulness practices are a great resource for honing self-observation and awareness. Below are two sets of guided practices that I have offered on previous programmes, Rewiring Your Brain for Resilience, and, Bringing your ‘A’ Game.

Whether you choose to use these guided practices, or others you can find online, the key is to commit to practicing regularly for at least a week and to find out for yourself the impact on your mental and emotional state.

In the Breakthrough Conversations trainings, whether for managers or coaches, I offer specific other practices that are built around the techniques in that programme.

1. Body & Breath
2. Body Scan
3. Breath & Movement
4. Breath & Body
5. Sound & Thoughts
6. Exploring Difficulty
7. Goodwill
8. Three Step Breathing Space
9. Self Compassion Break
1. Mindfulness & Breathing
2. Rain Appreciation Practice
3. Rain for Challenging Experiences
4. Self Compassion Break